Make TargetZing

your best referral source.


Capture your reviews at the point of sale - see how

Procure can increase the number of reviews and average

rating by expanding your fan base.

Make TargetZing

your best referral source.

Capture your reviews at the point of sale - see how Zing can increase the number of reviews and average rating by expanding your fan base.

Faded Hands

Text or email your review site

from the point of sale.

Requesting a review immediately after the transaction, increases the percentage of a review posting. The longer you wait, the chance of a review diminishes proportionately.


Text or email your review site

from the point of sale.

Requesting a review immediately after the transaction, increases the percentage of a review posting. The longer you wait, the chance of a review diminishes proportionately.

Text ReMarketing & Database

Building to increase profits.

Text ReMarketing is a way to connect with current and past customers that have previously interacted with your company. We can show you how to build an audience wanting to conduct business with you.

TExt Bubble Sample

Text Remarketing & Database

Building to increase profits.

Text remarketing is a way to connect with current and past customers that have previously interacted with your company. We can show you how to build an audience wanting to conduct business with you.

Text Marketing For Businesses

Manage your review request team

from an integrated dashboard.

Not only can you measure the performance of your employees review request activity, but you can also respond to reviews and share them on social media.


Manage your review request team from an integrated dashboard.

Not only can you measure the performance of your employees review request activity, but you can also respond to reviews and share them on social media.

No annual contracts.

We dare you to compare. Less money, more users & better results than the competition.
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